Ryan Reynolds To Produce ‘Home Alone’-Inspired Stoner Comedy

'Stoned Alone' Absolutely Has To Open On April 20th

Fox is set to revisit one of its highest-grossing comedies of all-time for some inspiration. Canadian-actor Ryan Reynolds will produce a Home Alone-inspired stoner comedy, currently titled Stone AloneDeadline reports. Fox and Reynolds have tabbed Augustine Frizzell to direct, while Kevin Burrows and Matt Mider wrote the script based on an idea by Fox executive Matt Reilly.

An early synopsis and talk of an ‘R’ rating for the film all but guarantee that laughs will be served. Totally sober, not at all herbal-assisted, laughs. Totally.


According to DeadlineStoned Alone “centers around a twenty-something weed growing loser who misses the plane for his holiday ski trip. He makes the best of things by getting high. Paranoia sets in and he believes he hears someone break into his house. Turns out thieves have broken in. Fully stoned and fueled by paranoia, he tries to thwart the thieves and defend his castle.”

So, who do you want to see star in the lead role for Stoned Alone?

Image via Gage Skidmore/Flickr