There will be No Dragons in Game of Thrones’ Prequel


The great news about the Game of Thrones prequel ‘The Long Night’ is that we’re getting more Game of Thrones. The bad thing is that the original series is ending after the eighth season.

George R. R. Martin, who is the co-creator and producer of the upcoming show, hasn’t revealed too many details about the series, except for the fact that it is still a couple years away from airing, that it will take place about 5,000 years before the current show….and there will be NO dragons.

Martin says there is no king’s landing, no Iron Throne, no Targaryens, and no dragons.

He told Entertainment Weekly:

“Westeros is a very different place. There’s no King’s Landing. There’s no Iron Throne. There are no Targaryens — Valyria has hardly begun to rise yet with its dragons and the great empire that it built. We’re dealing with a different and older world and hopefully that will be part of the fun of the series.”

This series will likely cover Children of the Forest and the origins of the White Walkers.

The series is written by Jane Goldman and stars Naomi Watts and Josh Whitehouse.