Someone is Going to Swim 5,500 Miles from Tokyo to San Francisco

His journey is expected to take 180 days

51-year-old Ben Lecomte already became the first man to ever swim 3,716 miles across the Atlantic Ocean in 1998, and now he wants to repeat the feat by swimming 5,500 Miles across the Atlantic from Tokyo, Japan to San Francisco. He says he’s doing it to raise awareness about plastic pollution across the planet.

Ben will be accompanied by a 67-foot sailing yacht that will be equipped with everything he will need for his journey. He will eat and sleep on the yacht and swim all day. Every night when he’s finished swimming, his location will be marked on the GPS and he will start swimming from that exact spot the next morning.

His swim is expected to take somewhere around 180 days, he’ll be swimming an average of 30 miles each day. He will also be collecting over 1,000 water samples along his route to highlight just how high the levels of plastic pollution are in the ocean.

His 5,500 Mile trip starts June 5. You can follow theΒ live stream here, along with daily videos. His journey will also be updated weekly on Discovery.

[via adventuresportsnetwork]