4AM Shoveling Makes Neighbour Lose His Mind

Snow removal is something we have been dealing with in Barrie recently and with this much snow, you clear your driveway when you have time, right? In this Pennsylvania town, a man was getting ready for work and using a shovel to clear a path for his vehicle when another neighbour came out of his house to berate him.
It's almost so ridiculous you think the video is fake. It's not like the guy was using a snowblower, he was just using a shovel. How loud could that really have been? Plenty of NSFW language here, which makes it feel real.
@brandonthecleaner Idk if I should be posting this on here but I was so caught off guard and need to vent 😂 dudes crazy #cleantok #crazyneighbor #crazyneighborcheck #snow #shovelingsnow #neighborfromhell #neighborlylove #fyp #crazystory #badneighbors ♬ original sound - Brandon The Cleaner 🧼🫧
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