Who Is The Perfect Man To Narrate The Famous Pool Scene From 'Fast Times?' Morgan Freeman Is.

It's been annoying to see so much 'zoom content.' I get it, it's the safe way for now, but I just find it unbearable for the most part. I would rather watch old movies or shows when things were normal, pre-pandemic-- just feels better for me. However, every once a while I break my own rule. And that happened today.
A star studded cast was assembled to do a table read of the 1982 classic, 'Fast Time at Ridgemont High.' Jennifer Aniston, Bradley Pitt, Julia Roberts, Dane Cook, Matthew McConaughey, Sean Pean and the list goes on. Now the most famous scene from the film, was when Phoebe Cates entered and exited the pool. And who better to have narrate that scene than the great and powerful, Morgan Freeman. Have a listen to the magic below.
Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt virtually reunited to reenact the pool scene from 'Fast Times at Ridgemont High' https://t.co/k4Zaugo5rYpic.twitter.com/1PzmiiKbIR
— UPROXX (@UPROXX) September 18, 2020
Honourable mention was Shia Labeouf, who read for Spicoli's part, and went method with --- showing up completely stoned. That's dedication.
When I tell you Shia LaBeouf was DEDICATED to this role. #FastTimesLive
— Dani Kwateng (@danikwateng) September 18, 2020
To refresh your memory on the famous scene..
And do you remember Stacy's Mom by Fountain of Wayne that also recreated the scene for their music video.
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