Steven Tyler Shares Fascinating Story About The Instruments Used (& Broke) During 'Sweet Emotion' Recording

How many times have you heard 'Sweet Emotion' by Aerosmith? Somewhere in the thousands? The iconic beginning stands out, certainly the bizarre, yet cool, sound you hear. Tough to describe, although in this clip Steve Tyler calls that instrument the vibraslap. A sound so cool it's a bit of a shocker we don't hear it more actually, or maybe we do but my musical ear is so weak I don't pick up on it. Well, the fascinating part of the story is that Steven Tyler broke that vibraslap and they left it in the recording.
@getyourwingss Steven Tyler reveals he played a sugar packet as a maraca on “Sweet Emotion” (2013) #howard #howardstern #howardsternshow #2013 #steventyler #aerosmith #aerosmithfans #talkshow #sweetemotion #70s #80s #90s #70srock #70smusic #classicrock #rock #music #metal #glammetal #glamrock #interview ♬ original sound - getyourwingss
Who needs maracas? Nobody, not when you have sugar packets around. Next time you listen to the song you'll be hoping someone is sitting next to you so you can point out the broken vibraslap.
@sloppyjoey17 #pops #chandler #brother #rockandroll #autistic #original #drpepper sibling#5 ♬ Every Rose Has Its Thorn - Poison
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