*Listen* Johnny Depp CAN sing?

It's Actually Good!?

Johnny Depp, who is notorious for staying very private— has recently joined instagram — already up to just under a million followers. After his recent split from Amber Heard (which is an insane story) he has been showing his face a little bit more. Now if you are already a fan of Johnny Depp like me, then listening to this song was easy. I knew he played with Marilyn Manson before and has showed up at gigs and just strapped on a guitar and gone for it, but I didn’t know he could sing. I don’t count Sweeney Todd.

But have a listen, and if you didn’t know it was Johnny Depp, would that make you like it more or less?

Honestly, my first full listen to this and I am impressed of the quality, but I also genuinely dig it.