REMINDER: Garbage Collection Changes Take Effect Monday In Orillia

Every other week garbage collection begins this week in Orillia. Regular garbage will not be […]

Every other week garbage collection begins this week in Orillia. Regular garbage will not be picked up this week, just recycling, green bin and yard waste. The regular trash will be collected next…and every other week moving forward. The City is introducing every other week garbage to reduce the amount of divertible waste ending up in the city’s landfill. Fifty per cent of what goes in the garbage should go into the recycling box and green bin. By collecting garbage every other week, the city is encouraging residents to use their recycling box and green bin to their full potential. The city is also anticipating a cost saving of more than $44,000 per year with the introduction of every other week garbage.

Use the following tips to reduce odours in your garbage and make the transition to every other week garbage collection easier:
  • Use your green bin for food scraps. You can now include dairy products, cooked meat and bones in the green bin.
  • Use a rigid garbage container to store your garbage. The maximum weight for a garbage bag or container is 20 kg (44 lbs).
  • Bring bagged diapers or tagged garbage directly to the Waste Diversion Site at 100 Kitchener St. for free drop-off.
  • Compost your pet waste in a separate backyard composter.