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Catch The Perseid Shower In Central Ontario's Dark Sky Preserve

Published July 31, 2024

The first permanent dark sky preserve in Canada is a little over an hour from Barrie

The Perseid meteor shower is one of the most anticipated annual meteor events, and the Perseids will peak around August 12-13. This year is particularly favourable for viewing, as the moon will be waning crescent, providing darker skies. For the best experience, head to a dark location away from city lights after midnight, when the meteor activity is expected to be at its highest.

Check out the Torrance Barrens Dark Sky Preserve by Gravenhurst

The Torrance Barrens Dark Sky Preserve, located in Ontario, Canada, was the first permanent dark sky preserve established in Canada, designated in 1999. Local astronomers and environmental advocates noticed the region's exceptionally dark skies, making it an ideal spot for stargazing. To protect this natural resource from the encroachment of artificial light, efforts were made to designate the Torrance Barrens as a dark sky preserve. This designation helps safeguard the area's natural beauty and promotes public awareness about light pollution.

What to bring

First, pack a blanket or a reclining chair to stay comfortable. A red flashlight is essential—it preserves your night vision while you set up. Binoculars or a telescope will enhance your view of the stars and planets. Don’t forget warm clothing, even in summer, as nights can get chilly. Bug spray is a must to keep the mosquitoes away. Finally, bring snacks, water, and maybe a thermos of something warm to sip while you enjoy the night sky.

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