LISTEN: Audio Created To Help Get Rid Of An Ear Worm

Have you ever had a song stuck in your head all day? Sometimes that's okay. Other times it's terrible, certainly when it's a song you don't care for, but just happened to hear and couldn't shake.
A company has put together a song of their own to combat those earworms...and if they were playing an all-time joke this would be a great marketing trick for some new song they were pushing, to get that stuck in your head --but that isn't the case. The audio the company released is less of a song and more of a smattering of different melodies, beats and rhythms that don't really mesh or work well at all together ---unless to rid yourself of an earworm.
If you don't have something stuck in your head at the moment, this should do the trick.
And if that worked, try this out to get rid of that song from memory.
Photo Courtesy of Columbia Pictures Amblin Entertainment
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