Rock 95’s Why Mom Rocks Contest

WIN Mom a $5,000 Furniture Shopping Spree From The Brick in Orillia & Midland

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Moms…they’re the greatest multitaskers in the world. They always pick you up when you’re having a bad day. And their patience is limitless…well…almost.

For those and like a billion other reasons…Mom’s ROCK! This Mother’s Day (Mother’s Day is May 12th this year. You’re welcome.) , Rock 95 wants to know why YOUR Mom Rocks! 

Tell us “Why YOUR Mom Rocks” and you could score your dear old mother $5,000 worth of new furniture courtesy of The Brick in Orillia and Midland! Just fil out the form below!

The Grand Prize draw will be made on Friday, May 10th with the Rock 95 Morning Crew.

The Why Mom Rocks Contest is brought to you by Brick in Midland and Orillia…two great locally owned and operated cottage country stores and Barrie’s Rock Station – Rock 95.


Fill out my online form.