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Rock 95's $10,000 Secret Sound

Rock 95's $10,000 Secret Sound
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Underground in a covert lab, beneath the Rock 95 studios … Frantic audio engineers are working tirelessly, trying to record the perfect Secret sound.

Think you know what it is?

Rock 95’s $10,000 Secret Sound is BACK!

Listen for the cue to call for your chance to guess and win!

We’ll be giving you 13 chances every weekday, from 7 AM, up to (and including) 7 PM. After hearing the cue, make sure you’re the 9th caller through at 705-721-7625 to play!

The pot will start at $100. For each incorrect guess, we’ll be adding another $25 to the pot! (Up to $10,000!)

We want you to win, so listen to the "Secret Sound" as many times as you'd like. Follow along and make sure your guess hasn’t been tried yet! We’ll be keeping track of all incorrect guesses below.

Rock 95’s $10,000 Secret Sound is brought to you by Simcoe Audio VideoSimcoe Audio Video– Barrie's Premier Audio video Destination, Sound Advice for the right price.

Rules & Regulations

Having trouble getting through the phone lines?

Our phone lines do get a little busy and can sometimes make it difficult to get through.

Common concerns are: "All I ever get is a busy signal" OR "Is it normal to receive a recorded message saying the customer you have dialled is currently unavailable?"

Both of these issues are normal during high call volume times.

Phone companies use different cell towers and systems. Varying coverage areas can cause dropped calls, dead spots during conversations, or other connection problems.

The technology isn’t perfect and there are times during contests when the overwhelming volume of calls can cause a connection error.

Different telephone providers interpret busy signals differently. That's why they sometimes give a busy signal and other times you get an automated voice message stating that the person you are trying to reach is unavailable, or currently does not have service.

We cannot control how your telephone provider interprets phone calls and you may receive mixed messages from your provider depending on how their system is reacting at the time of your call.

It is normal to receive a busy signal or recorded message. Frustrating, but normal.

Please hang up and try again and hopefully, we can tell you you’re caller number 9!

Best of luck and thanks for listening.


See all the incorrect guesses below:

Blowing into a party favour and then it recoils

Putting the lid back on a box of Ferrero Rocher

Stopping on skates

Stepping on a piece of ice and breaking it

Ripping a piece of construction paper in half

Pulling a bounce sheet out of the box

Masking tape being pulled off the roll

Picking up a box of spaghetti and shaking it once, up and down

Washing your clothes on an old school washboard

Slicing through a pool noodle

Using an air operated nail gun

Needle piercing a single k-cup pod

Tearing a page out of a spiral notebook

Something getting sucked up a vacuum hose

Pressing down for a total on an adding machine

Sticking a shovel into a hill of sand and moving it

Magnets coming apart and back together on a screen door

Using a manual hand planer

Tearing off a piece of masking tape with your teeth

A cassette flipping over

Opening a pack of hockey cards

Shuffling a deck of cards

Using an automatic 3 hole punch

Pouring dry spaghetti noodles back into the box

Cutting Dry spray foam

Pricing gun from a grocery store

Pogo Stick

Taking a swipe on a bbq grill with a brush

Opening a Keurig, putting the k cup in and closing it

Closing a dishwasher

Cutting wet hair with a pair of scissors

Using the automatic stapler on a photocopier

The cutter on a label maker

Crushing a water bottle

Styrofoam takeout container being opened

Pulling a new garbage bag out

Electric start on a snowblower

Getting a bus transfer punched

Paperclips being shaken out of a container

Inserting and ejecting a VHS from a player

Cutting through card stock with a sharp knife

Pulling a large ziploc back out of box

Opening up a bag of chips

Ripping your pants

Trying to roll down a frozen car window with the automatic button but the window is stuck

When a printer shoots out a piece of paper

Sitting down on an old school mattress that squeaks

Typewriter retracting back to the start of the page

Putting a hand under an automatic water tap

Sound of a sniffle

Tearing off the cover of an individually wrapped tea bag

Sliding the spring back in a stapler to put in new staples

Sticking a plastic scoop and digging it into a rice bin

A cat sneezing

Sucking a shooter out of a glass

Tearing off a blood pressure cuff

Tearing the perforation of a T4 slip

Peeling a page off a legal pad

Taking a picture with your phone

Pulling open a bag of popcorn after microwaving

ATM spitting out a receipt

Cutting a raw potato on a cutting board

Water coming from the faucet into the sink

Turning off/on a gas stove

Unwrapping a single cheese slice

Changing the picture in a showbox picture viewer

Pushing the scoop into a bag of rock salt

Rolling dice out of a dice cup, like yahtzee

A tape measure retracting

Shuffling your feet on the floor protector in your office or cubicle

Shaking a can of pringles

Ripping open a bag of cookies

Cocking a nerf gun

Breathing into or taking air out of a paper bag

Opening and closing a staple remover

Repairing a hole in drywall using a drywall trowel

Shutting a microwave door

Opening the spout of a carton of milk/cream/whipping cream

Pulling a Tim Hortons cup out of the tray

A french fry cutter

Sucking the last little bit of a milkshake or slurpee through a straw

The cash register sound in the Pink Floyd song "Money"

Quickly ripping off a wax strip off your arm or leg

Tape being ripped off a box

Locking an iPhone

The old school credit card swipe machine going back and forth

Keystroke on an old typewriter

Rolling up the rim

Taking a BBQ spatula and sliding it on the grill to flip a hamburger

Tearing off the last square of toilet paper

stick your finger in the 1, dial, and let go on a rotary phone

Putting bread/ toast in a toaster and pushing the arm down

Closing a crisper drawer in the fridge

Magnetic seal of a fridge door closing

Putting an uncut bag of milk into the jug

Ripping the tag off a piece of clothing

Slurping food

Dragging the needle over a vinyl album/record

Rubbing fingers on an inflated balloon

Ripping the seal off the top of an individual coffee creamer

Single hole punch through a stack of paper

ATM spitting out some cash

Using a 3-hole punch

Cabasa (Percussion instrument)

Cutting a piece of tin with tin snips with a spring in them

Flipping the pages of a PDF file catalogue on your computer

Going through a turnstile

Ripping off a piece of toilet paper

Ripping apart velcro

A brush on a golf club

A stick into snow

Paper feeding into a photocopier

A hockey player making a sharp edge with a skate

Binding Machine Punch

Pulling a single paper towel from a paper towel dispenser

Metal Scoop scooping out candy from a bulk barn bin

A meat or cheese slicer at the deli

Ripping open the velcro flap on a take-out delivery soft sided bag

Using a credit card to scrape the ice off the windshield

Tearing open Tim Hortons packaging

Quick shake of a piggy bank

A spray from a plug in air freshener

Wiping a boot on a boot brush

Taking a first step into snow wearing a boot

Opening a can of pringles

Zesting a lemon

Ticking of the hands on a clock

Cutting a head of iceberg lettuce

Ripping tinfoil out of a package

Pushing down the toilet brush when you're cleaning the bowl

The toaster popping when the toast is done

Pulling the velcro strap on the back of a baseball cap

Cutting the last inch or two off of a tile with a manual tile cutter

Taking batteries out of a remote

Writing a checkmark on a piece of paper with a sharpie

Using the large paper/cardboard cutter from school

Husking a cob of corn

Putting in or taking out a VHS tape from a sleeve

Taking a butter knife and scraping off burnt toast

Person pressing down a handle on a paper cutter and lifting the handle back up

Cleaning ice or snow off your vehicle

Sliding a spatula under a pancake

Pulling the lint trap OUT of a dryer

Dial on a washing machine

The contraption that cuts the end off a cigar

Peeling the sticker off a piece of fruit or vegetable

Sculpting ice

Using a digital postage meter

Breaking a piece of celery in half with your hands

Ripping out a sheet of paper from a typewriter

Tearing off a bandaid wrapper

Stylus playing in the dead wax at the end of a record

Coffee machine pumping water

Pulling the arm on an old school adding machine

Closing a laptop

Slush falling after closing a car door

Cutting a potato on a flat surface using a mandolin

Pulling on the tab and opening a cheesestring

Sliding a coin across a table and having it fall on a carpet

An automatic air freshener dispenser

Stopping on the ice in a pair of skates

Shaking a maraca

Using scissors to curl a ribbon

Door closing with an automatic lock

Clearing an etch & sketch

Sipping on a hot coffee

Wiping snow quickly off your sleeve with a hand

The lid of a Tim Hortons cup being opened

A vinyl window shutting

Craig Ross opening a can of beer

Cutting into a bell pepper

Opening the cover flap to the gas tank on a car

Pulling a tissue from the box

Putting a spoon into dry cereal

Pulling the metal cord on a window blind

Pull tab from an Old El Paso dinner kit

Quickly moving window curtains across curtain rods to open or close them

A slap chop cutting food

Ice maker dropping ice into a glass

Pantyhose/ nylons tearig

Three hole punch

Locking or unlocking a bathroom door on an airplane

Sliding a keyboard tray back under a desk

Pulling up or pushing down the handle on a suitcase

Using an automatic stapler

Using a digital pen over a monitor or notebook screen

Putting the blade on a handheld knife-sharpening rod

The gas nozzle automatically stopping

Old School Paper Cutting board

A pin art toy, where you push against pins and it makes the impression out the other side

Opening an umbrella

Buttering a piece of toast

Opening a bottle of soda

Closing a filing cabinet drawer

Sawing a piece of wood

Tying a zip tie

Grabbing a yeti off of a table or desk

Opening a safety seal on a pill bottle

Opening an envelope with a letter opener

Using a view master sliding through the photos

Using a knife to spread something over toast/bagel

Dispensing out of a condiment bottle

Turning a pencil in a handheld pencil sharpener

A vending machine spitting out a product after you order it

Pulling off a glove or mitten quickly

An old-school cash register totalling a sale or registering an item

Sliding the lint catcher back in on a dryer

Pushing the lever that dispenses the paper towel in a bathroom

Slicing into a watermelon

Wiping a shoe or boot on a mat

Dialing a rotary phone

Squeezing blade shares

Cracking a boiled egg

Putting a shovel into the crusty snow

Ripping off a piece of duct tape

Using an apple coring press

A hand wood planer

Sitting down in a chair and having the shock go down

Shaving your face

When you bend over and rip your pants

Retracting a pez dispenser

Pulling the adhesive tab on a diaper

Biting into a potato chip

Depressing the lever on a toaster

Ripping a t-shirt

Tearing a wax strip off of a body part

Pushing the handle in on a coin-operated laundry machine

Removing a needle off a vinyl record

Pressing down and letting go of a food-cutting press

Turning on an electric shaver

Tearing plastic wrap off its flimsy container

Opening an unsealed envelope

Removing an absorbent pad from frozen meat

Quick spray from an aerosol

Jumping on a big backyard trampoline

A Masonry Trowel

The number flipping over on an old clock radio

Pushing down a key on an old fashion type writer

Squeezing a trigger on an air nozzle to shoot compressed air

Biting a potato or tortilla chip

Striking a match

Opening and closing the velcro on a pair of winter gloves

The cardboard of a pizza box rubbing together when you open and close the box

Flick of a lighter to turn on the flame

Putting a cup into salt

Grating a vegetable

Paper advance on an adding machine

Peeling a banana

Folding a paper bag at the crease

Emptying your recycle bin on your computer

Old construction paper getting cut by scissors

An ice scraper scraping a windshield

An automated hand soap dispenser

Opening the packet of cheese from a box of KD

Pulling velcro

Using an old fashioned, triangular can opener to open a can

Trying on a sketchers slip on shoe

Pulling a lysol wipe from the container

Shaking a tic tac container to get one out

Chalk on a chalkboard

Scraping wax off of a snowboard

Pushing shovel into snow

Shoveling snow off an outdoor rink

Pulling out a knife from a self-sharpener

Ripping open an envelope

Pulling the trigger on a caulking gun

A skate being sharpened

Scraping the pavement after a quick lift of a shovel full of snow

Pulling the tape out of a tape gun

Un velcroing or untying Craig Ross' shoes

Scooping kitty litter

Pulling the trigger on a spray bottle of a dish detergent

Pulling the chain on a ceiling light or fan

Using an old rotary phone dialer

Shovel going into wet concrete

Pulling Kleenex out of a kleenex box

Ripping open a sugar packet

Tearing the cheque off of the "Dougie Dollars" letter

Sliding a record back into its album cover

Tearing a piece of paper, using the edge of a table or desk

Lifting the seal when opening a tin can of coffee

Closing a pair of scissors

Pulling a tab to open a courier's package

An old credit card machine

Putting a scoop into a bag of pet food

Cutting / slicing a carrot

Using a hand crank flour sifter

Retracting a tape measure

A viewmaster

Jumping on a mini trampoline

Opening a can of Pringles by opening the aluminum seal.

Using a striker to light a propane or gas torch

Slipping your foot into an ice skate

Shaking open a grocery bag

A stapler

Squirting a squirt gun

Sanding a piece of wood

Pushing a clothes hanger across the rod

Ripping a piece of paper off of a notepad

Snapping a lid off a plastic container

Peeling a carrot

Ripping a page out of a phonebook

Punching a time card on a punch clock

Ripping or peeling wallpaper off the wall

Cutting a box with a box cutter

Tearing styrofoam in half

The office ink stamper

Changing the slide on a slide projector

Removing a bandaid

A hockey stop, skates stopping on ice

Peeling off the freshness seal on a tub of ice cream

A paint scraper scraping

A scoop scooping sugar

Pulling open a pack of planters peanuts

Peeling the tin lid off a single serving of yogurt

Unclipping a trailer hitch

Turning over a can of Pringles with chips in them

Filing your nail on an emery board

Pressing the eject button on a cassette player

An automatic hand sanitizer

Sliding a Kleenex box across the table

Using a packing tape gun

An old-fashioned cash register

Turning the lock on a keyless entry

Ripping a sheet off a lint roller

Pulling a lever on a chair to raise it

Opening up a new bag in a box of cereal

Opening a can of sardines

Pressing down a key on a modern electric typewriter

A manual credit card swiper

Tearing celery off the stalk

Retracting dog leash

Stopping or starting on snow skis

Tearing off a paper towel from the roll

Opening an aluminum can

Putting a scoop into salt

Money out of an ATM machine

Drawing a checkmark on a piece of paper

Scraping ice off a windshield

Sliding a screen door closed

Ripping cotton (like a t-shirt or jeans pocket)

Jumping on a pogo stick

A paper shredder sucking down the paper

Ripping sandpaper

Tearing off the cardboard cover on a box of tissue

Eject button on a toaster

Putting a scoop into ice

A short spray of WD-40

Camera Shutter

Pulling up your zipper on jeans

Locking or unlocking a vehicle with a key fob

Ripping the page off a daily calendar

Cutting celery

Stopping on skates

Opening or unsealing a baggie

Shaking candy in a box

Planeing wood with a hand planer

Tearing a receipt off a machine at a store

Apple being cut with a knife

Closing a pair of hedge sheers

Tape catching on a box from a tape gun

Pulling a knife out of a knife block

Ripping a piece of tape off of cardboard

Opening up a cup of Mr. Noodle instant soup

A shovel going into mounds of stone

Squeezing an almost empty ketchup bottle

Punching in or out of an old work punch clock

Tearing off a sheet of tinfoil

Electronic Calculator

Pulling off the seal tab off peanut butter

Putting change into a piggy bank

Pushing down a self inking stamp

Pushing down the lever on a toaster

Cutting off a label on a label maker

Pulling a belt through your belt loops

Using a photocopy machine

A printer starting up

Dropping an envelope into the mailbox

Pushing down the sale button on a toy cash register

Ripping the plastic bag in the grocery store produce section

Tearing off a liptons soup cover

Lighting or striking a match

Ripping off a piece of parchment paper

A skate on ice

Using a foot pump


Pulling tape out of a tape dispenser and snapping it off

Velcro on a coat

Peeling a vegetable with a peeler

Ripping a piece of cardboard

Windshield wiper

Ripping paper apart stuck together with glue (post-it or carbon copy receipt)

A shovel going into a pile of gravel

Hinges on a steel door shutting

Ripping open a perforated envelope

Cutting through a cardboard box with scissors

Electric stapler stapling a staple

Closing a screen window/door

Running cabbage down a cheese grater

Shovel being dropped into the snow

Dragging a metal box on the cement floor

Scraping the ice off the windshield with a brush

Parking ticket dispenser

Shaking a container of pink himalayan salt

Whipping the shower curtain back

Tearing off a piece of duct tape

Ripping off a piece of scotch tape

Slicing an onion


Putting a knife into a self sharpener

Ripping up a losing lottery ticket

Three-hole punch

Blowing your nose

Using a letter opener to open an envelope

Scraping ice off a vehicle

Scissors cutting paper

Tearing a sheet of paper in half

Paper cutter cutting paper

Tearing the paper towel from the machine in the bathroom

Sliding a sled/toboggan over ice

Someone skating and stopping really fast

A knife cutting head of lettuce

Battery-powered broad nailer

Secret Sound #1

Patti Callahan of Collingwood knew that the Secret Sound was "Unwrapping a Ferrero Rocher" and scored $500!

See all the incorrect guess below:

Crumpling up an empty bag of chips

Grabbing a piece of lined paper and crumpling it into a ball

Taking out package of crackers and putting them in your soup

Stepping on an icy puddle

Crumpling up a ball of tinfoil

Pulling back a tarp and rolling it up at the same time

Pulling out the plastic tray from a bag of cookies

Unwrapping a breakfast sandwich wrapper

Unwrapping a jolly rancher candy and crumpling up the wrapper

Opening a package of pasta

Popping a piece of gum out of a blister pack

Opening a bag of chips and putting them in your mouth

Peeling open the wrapper on a chocolate bar

Walking on crunchy frozen snow

Opening the $200 government cheque

Open a package of processed cheese slices

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