Work Christmas Party Etiquette 101


In honour of ‘Office Christmas Party‘ hitting theatres this week, starring Jennifer Aniston, T.J. Miller, and Jason Bateman…

Here’s a good reminder of the DOs and DON’Ts for your office Christmas party to follow IF you want to keep your job after the holidays…

What to Wear- DO consider the location the party is being held when deciding on an outfit. Dressy casual. Work appropriate. Or glammed out! Just avoid showing too much skin.

So DON’T wear this…


When to Get There and When to Leave- DON’T be the first one there and/or the last one to leave. DO show up fashionably late so that the party is underway, and start to say your goodbyes as soon as you notice the party winding down.

Dancing- Some office parties want you to let loose on the dance floor. DO keep your moves G-rated.

DON’T do this to your boss…


Pictures- DO always act appropriate with co-workers for pictures and, in this day and age, it’s also a good idea to find out where those pictures are going to end up. (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.)

So DON’T be that girl…


Alcohol- If you’re going to be drinking, DO be smart about it. And I’m not just talking about taking a cab home. I mean DON’T overdo it! Drink too much, and you could say or do something you’re going to regret on Monday morning.

Thank the Hosts- When you are heading out, DO make sure you say your proper goodbyes to all of your superiors and also say your thank yous to the hosts. DON’T try and sneak out during the speeches with your raffle prize.

Follow these easy DOs and DON’Ts and you should still have a job to come back to after the holidays. (And maybe you even scored some brownie points with the boss!!)

DO have a Happy Holiday!

(Video & Images Courtesy of Movieclips Trailers/YouTube, &, Pinterest)