Woman in Bahamas Takes in Almost 100 Dogs to Shelter Them From Hurricane Dorian

She's opened up her home to help as many dogs as she can

Hurricane Dorian has reportedly destroyed at least 13,000 homes, five people have died and 15 have gone missing. It’s destroyed the Bahamas and is moving at a very slow pace 1 mph or sometimes even not moving at all.

Chella Phillips is trying to help as many stray dogs as she can by taking them into her home. She runs The Voiceless Dogs of Nassau rescue and opened her own home up to take in 97 dogs.

“97 dogs are inside my house and 79 of them are inside my master bedroom.
It has been insane since last night, poop and piss non stop but at least they are respecting my bed and nobody has dared to jump in.
We have barricaded the refuge and nobody is outside, the music is playing in all directions of the house and the AC is blowing for them.
I managed to bring some less fortunate ones and I really appreciate some of you donating for crates.. I really needed it for the scared ones and the sick ones. so Thank you!
We may not get hit as hard as other islands and the saddest part is that after the hurricane leave the Bahamas, some islands will take a long time to recover.. Each island has abundance of homeless dogs, my heart is so broken for the ones without a place to hide a CAT 5 monster and only God can protect them now.
Thank you for thinking of us and praying for us.
Coincidently, today is the Fourth anniversary since the refuge opened its doors to homeless and abandoned dogs and we have cared for nearly 1,000 of them which we are very proud that we managed to give them hope so they could all be happy at last.

Please pray for the Bahamas!
if you wish to help financially, our paypal is: pawtcake.refuge.inc@gmail.com”

[cover photo via Chella Phillips facebook]