The Arkells’ Response To COVID-19 May Be The Best One Yet

Take a music lesson with the Arkells!

The Arkells have launched a Flatten The Curve Music Class where they are posting chord sheets and online music demos of their songs. These are definitely coming in handy for people who are self-quarantining or just generally spending a lot of time at home.

So far, they’ve done “Leather Jacket,” “A Little Rain,” and “And Then Some.”

Fan response has been quite positive!

See, you can still be productive during the COVID-19! So keep those songs comin’!

Plus, you can actually wash your hands to your favourite song! A developer in the UK created a formula so that you can wash your hands to something other than the usual “Happy Birthday” twice. Here’s how with the Arkells’ newest single, “Years In The Making.”

Thanks, guys, for creating some positivity in this crazy time in our world!