Simcoe County Mulling Over Waste Collection Suggestions

Refusing Garbage Collection Unless The Green Bin Goes Out Too Is Only One Of Six Options

A proposal to refuse garbage pickup in Simcoe County unless the green bin goes out too, is getting some more mulling over. The suggestion is one of six to come from the County’s Waste Management office, as part of a larger effort to update the county’s Solid Waste Management Strategy, but at Tuesday’s county meeting, the issue was put off for further consideration. The plan to not pick up garbage lest the green bin go out too is only the first on the list of suggestions; The County of Simcoe’s Solid Waste Management department has also suggested banning garbage bins larger than 80L, reducing the weekly garbage bag limit, allowing extra garbage to be put out following certain holidays, a textile recycling program, and an electronics collection pilot project. Simcoe’s officials took a look at all six of these recommendations and decided they needed more info, voting instead to hold workshops on these topics before a steadfast decision is made. Council could opt to enact some, all, or none of these suggestions, or even come up with a few new ones too.