My Favourite TV Moment From Jerry Stiller

How to tell someone a phone number

Jerry Stiller who passed away earlier this week at the age of 92, was in the industry for decades. Many iconic characters from Frank Costanza on Seinfeld, to Zoolander’s father, to Arthur from King Of Queens. He has said many popular lines over the years and although some of his most famous may be from Seinfeld, a line that always stuck out to me was from King of Queens. And really it’s a power move in it’s own right. Jerry Stiller pronouncing ‘Dominos’ as ‘Da-Mee-Nos’ is classic but when he delivers the number to call it’s a moment and line that I still bring up to this day. When I am giving someone a phone number that includes a 1 — I always choose to say the way he did from this famous clip.