Eric Singer Pays Tribute To Neil Peart At NYE Show

Only the sharp-eyed viewers of the KISS NYE show spotted it.

If you saw the KISS NYE stream from Dubai, yeah sure, you saw a hell of a KISS show, some record breaking pyrotechnics, but some keen-eyed viewers saw something familiar as well.

The Starman everyone associates with Rush’s 2112 album was on the Eric Singer’s kit during the show, and the reason that you see the Starman is an homage to the great Rush drummer and his drum technician.

Turns our Eric Singer’s drum tech, Lorne Wheaton, used to be Neil Peart’s tech and it was Eric’s idea to give Neil (Boss Bubba) and Lorne himself the nod during the KISS 2020 Goodbye live stream.

You can still check out the stream live from Dubai here.