BURGER MISTAKES EVERYONE MAKES: ✗ Your grill isn’t clean and oiled, so your burgers stick […]


✗ Your grill isn’t clean and oiled, so your burgers stick to the grill and look all mangled.

✗ You’re not buying the best meat. That means ground chuck, and the perfect ratio is 80% lean to 20% fat.

✗ You don’t buy the right amount of meat. You need 6 oz of meat per pre-cooked burger.

✗ You’re over-handling the meat. This causes the proteins to get worked up and makes your burgers less tender.

✗ You’re packing it too tight. For better taste, be gentle. Let the meat be loosely clumped together.

✗ Your burgers don’t fit your buns. An uncooked patty should be about 1 inch wider in diameter than the hamburger bun.

✗ You’re pressing down on your patties with a spatula as they cook, meaning all of the delicious juice is going into the fire.

✗ You are shutting the grill lid to speed things up. So your burgers aren’t cooking evenly and they taste like smoke.