WTF is a “Rave Stick”?

This past weekend I got to see and do a lot of awesome things at WayHome. Nothing […]

This past weekend I got to see and do a lot of awesome things at WayHome. Nothing captured my curiosity more than the “Rave Stick”.

We live in a time where technology is king.  We use our smartphones to update our location to our followers and friends at the push of a button, but Millennial’s choose to use good old fashion arts and crafts to help their friends spot them in the crowd!

I asked people if they had a name and nobody knew until I met this lovely lady who found Waldo, or is she waldo? who told me they were called “Rave Sticks”


Here are a few of my favorite “Rave Sticks”


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This one is my personal favorite:


He told me the idea came to him as he was drinking a beer!