PSA: Fire Prevention Week

Serious content PLUS a hilarious video!

Next week (October 9th to 15th) is Fire Prevention Week. This year the theme is Don’t Wait, Check the Date (on your smoke alarms).

It’s also a great time of year to brush up on the emergency and fire safety procedures in your workplace.

Here’s a few things you should know:

  • the location of two exits closest to their work area;
  • the location of the nearest fire alarm pull station and how to use it;
  • the phone number for the Fire Department (9-1-1);
  • your responsibilities in a fire, which are in the fire safety plan;
    the fire emergency procedures posted on your floor.

If you discover a fire

  • Activate the nearest fire alarm pull station on the fire floor.
  • Leave the area immediately, closing all doors behind you.
  • Take keys with you.
  • Go to the nearest exit and leave the building. Close all doors behind you.
  • If you encounter smoke, consider taking an alternate stairwell/exit. Heat and smoke rise leaving cleaner air near the floor. Crawl low under smoke.
  • Call  9-1-1 regardless of the size of the fire. Never assume this has been done.
    Give correct address, location of fire and your name.

Here’s a handy little brochure from Toronto Fire Services that should help to stay safe in the workplace. 

And here’s a little video from The Office…on exactly HOW NOT to handle a fire in the workplace.



Source: Toronto Fire Services