Possible Ice Storm This Weekend

Always good to be prepared

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With the possibility of a significant ice storm hitting the area this weekend, it’s a good time to ensure you are ready for any type of situation that arises should we lose power for any extended period of time.  One of our sales guys Bill says he’s always ready for an emergency with an extra case of beer stashed away, but in some cases you may need a little more than that to get you through a few days.

The County of Simcoe advises you to make emergency plans that identify what to do, where to go, and how to contact family members in the event of any type of disaster.

Image result for emergency preparedness week 2017

Also, to prepare an emergency kit that allows your family to be self-sufficient for up to 72 hours. Your family’s emergency preparedness kit should include: Non-perishable food and bottled water, crank or battery operated radio, gasoline, flashlight and batteries, first aid kit, extra keys, copies of important documents, cash, clothing and footwear, blankets or sleeping bags, toilet paper and toiletries, medication, whistle, playing cards or games to pass the time.

For communication updates when the power is out and when cell phone circuits are overloaded , remember your battery radio can receive radio stations even when the power is out.  ROCK 95 has emergency contingency plans to be able to continually broadcast throughout a natural disaster.  Your radio can provide you updates on the latest news of what’s happening in the community as the disaster unfolds and can give you vital information you may need to stay safe.

For more info on what you should pack into an emergency kit, click here.